Veltyma® Fungicide

Veltyma® fungicide is everything you deserve. With its combination of faster curative activity and longer residual, it's protection you can turn to when you need to be confident your fungicide will perform. How well? Veltyma fungicide outperforms other corn fungicides 82% of the time by 7.0 bu/A1 on average. To see the results in your area, visit RevX Fields.

Benefits of Veltyma Fungicide

Yield your best

+7.0 bu/A on average increase over other corn fungicides.1 To see on-farm trial results, visit click here.

Superior performance

Control even the toughest diseases with strong curative, fast uptake and long-lasting residual.

Revolutionary application

Two weeks longer to work around weather, hard-to-navigate field terrain, and your busy schedule by land or air.

Proven protection

The #1 tar spot fungicide2, offering powerful disease control and environmental stress reduction.

1Summary of 2019-2022 RevX, field-scale demonstration trials. For location details, visit Veltyma fungicide applied at 7 fl oz/A to VT-R3 corn.

22019 BP-205-W Applied Research in Field Crop Pathology: Assessment of fungicides applied at VT/R1 for tar spot in corn in northwestern Indiana, 2019 (COR19-17.PPAC).

How Veltyma Fungicide Works

Veltyma fungicide was designed to help you get every bushel you deserve. It contains a unique active ingredient, Revysol®, the first and only isopropanol azole. Revysol fungicide delivers broader, stronger, longer disease control. The unique molecular structure provides stronger binding, rainfast performance and excellent efficacy. The unique isopropanol azole molecule has a reinforced isopropanol link — giving it the ability to flex to various conformations and fight a broad spectrum of disease and resistant strains.

Catch disease before it catches your corn

With an application window that starts two weeks earlier than other products, Veltyma fungicide gives you more time to control disease.

What field scouting isn’t telling you

Disease starts earlier than you think. For example, gray leaf spot does 19 days’ worth of damage before it’s visible to the naked eye.

How Veltyma Fungicide Stacks Up

Soybean field

RevX Fields offers on-farm, real-world results by farmers for farmers.

RevX Fields is a large-scale fungicide trial program with nearly 2,000 corn and soybean farmers participating across the country.

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    Why Planning Your Fungicide Application in Advance Matters.

    When it comes to corn, disease is present weeks before it can be seen with the naked eye, which means a wait-and-see spray approach is waiting too long. To ensure your fields are prepared for potential threats, proactively protect your crops to stay ahead of disease with Veltyma fungicide. The leading solution for tar spot control in corn, it offers proven advantages that optimize yield potential, even in disease-free conditions. 

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